Tag Archives: via

Roman road section found in Évora

(Originally published on June 23, 2009)

A section of the Roman road that passed by the Évora aerodrome was discovered due to the works of the future Aeronautical Industry Park. Although the passage of a Roman road in this area was already known, following the crossing of the river Xarrama in the Old Bridge of Xarrama, this discovery clarifies the exact layout of the road. As this section is just outside the city, hopefully this time the road will be properly kept in tow of the important necropolis discovered there. This section would be part of Antonino’s Itinerary XXI, linking Ebora with Pace Julia (now Beja), passing the Serpa, Arucci and Fines stations for which there are no defined locations yet. It is assumed, however, that this road would go in the direction of Portel and Moura, continuing later by Serpa until Beja.

vide route here – https://viasromanas.pt/#evora_serpa

Milestone in the cemetery of S. Mamede de Infesta

(Originally published on April 13, 2007)

Emil Hübner identified a milestone dedicated to Emperor Hadrian found at Quinta do Dourado (or Quinta de Santo António, in Rua da Igreja Velha) which was later destroyed according to Martins Capela; however, this milestone could be now reused as the base of a cross in S. Mamede de Infesta cemetery (Porto); This milestone corresponds to the 31st mile of route XVI from Braga (Bracara Augusta) to Lisbon (Olisipo). Thanks to Alexandre Lima for sending the picture. Coordinates: 41.192346, -8.608485

vide route here – http://viasromanas.pt/#braga_lisboa